Friday, November 3, 2017

Quick Breakfasts for Kids

  1. A piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter
  2. When you choose peanut butter, simple is best. Check the label to find a jar which has only one ingredient: peanuts (and maybe salt). For the what toast, check to see that all ingredients are 100 percent whole wheat or whole grain. This combo will keep your kids fuller longer and may even lower their risk for obesity.
  3. Plain oatmeal with some peanut butter or mixed nutsOatmeal is a nutrient-dense breakfast that offers a warm filling meal full of whole grains. Add peanut butter or nuts for a protein boost and you can enhance the taste further with fresh fruit. Blueberries work especially well because there is no slicing needed as with other fruits and they taste sweeter when you mix them into hot oatmeal.
  4. A hard-boiled egg and a piece of fruitThis breakfast is an easy one to prepare in advance. You can boil eggs and store them in the refrigerator to grab and eat. Eggs offer a complete protein as well as many nutrients, including lutein (fosters eye health), choline (builds cell membranes), Omega 3’s and vitamin D.
  5. Greek yogurt and fruit
    Like regular yogurt, Greek yogurt contains important nutrients such as calcium and B vitamins. But it provides double the protein of regular yogurt. Stick with plain greek yogurt rather than fruit-flavored varieties, which are loaded with added simple sugars. Instead, add your own flavor with berries, banana slices or a handful of granola or walnuts.

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