Friday, November 3, 2017

Five Healthy Food for Breakfast

  1. A cup of cooked oats with flax seeds and berries, and a boiled egg or two egg whites on the side. Or, instead of eggs, add protein to the oatmeal using non-fat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or nuts.
  2. Add flavor to an egg-white omelet with vegetables. If you’re adding cheese, use low-fat or part-skim varieties. Add a slice of whole-grain toast or berries on the side.
  3. Combine low-fat cottage cheese with fresh fruit or vegetables. Add flax seeds or chia seeds, chopped nuts or low-fat granola; or put it on rice cakes or whole-grain crackers.
  4. Top a whole-grain English muffin with egg whites, low-fat cheese and low-fat turkey bacon or sausage.
  5. Top whole-wheat toast with sliced avocado, olive oil and a poached egg or egg white.

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