Friday, November 3, 2017

Eat the right food

For example, when people eat breakfast cereals loaded with white flour and sugar, which burn off quickly and leave you wanting more, weight loss is unlikely. She always suggests that her patients trying to lose weight eat a lean protein, such as eggs, with breakfast. It cuts down on cravings later in the day and helps them avoid consuming too many calories. Breakfast also presents a good opportunity to squeeze in a serving of fruits or vegetables, which Americans tend not to get enough of.
It’s crucial to tailor your meal plans to your needs, says Roxanne Sukol, MD, who has a special interest in diabetes and obesity at Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute.
If you have diabetes, for instance, eating a meal high in nutritious fats and lean protein in the morning can help modulate blood sugar for the rest of the day. And if you normally do eat breakfast, don’t avoid it to try to compensate for a bowl of ice cream or some other indulgence the night before. Getting your dietary routine and blood sugar off track in the morning can set you up for issues later in the day.

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