Monday, November 6, 2017

Aneurysm Awareness

Aneurysm awareness: Another victim of aneuryms just passed away today.I have a coteacher who suffered Aneu late last year & she undergo brain surgery & fortunately thru God's miracle she was able to recover.Prior to my coteacher's case, my husband's cousin also suffered Aneu,comatose for months in a hosp & also recovered.That is the time I begun to read abt this sudden attack in our brains' blood vessels.One time, a parenting seminar was held at my daughter's school.The guest speaker timely points out that anybody can be a victim of Aneu.but theres a proven technique how to avoid it.. When taking a bath, do not start pouring water on your head.This is a bad practice.Blood temperature will shoot up bec of the cold water, instead wet your feet first or lower extremeties,then wait for a few seconds & You can feel a fussing temperature inside you.Then slowly wetting your upper extremeties.It means to say taking bath from feet to head NOT head down will save YOU from aneurysm attack. A sisterly reminder.You may share this also to friends!!!Life is precious.

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